Workers’ compensation claim denied? File an appeal

Sep 24, 2020 | Workers' Compensation

A work-related injury now prevents you from clocking in daily at your job. Your injury will take time to heal, perhaps several weeks or months. In such a situation, you know that you deserve and need workers’ compensation. Those payments will provide a temporary financial safety net, providing for lost wages and medical care.

However, your benefits claim has been denied, literally adding insult to injury. This is not what you expected. Are your employer and its insurance company in cahoots, working together to prevent you from getting what you deserve? That is a strong possibility. When your benefits claim gets denied or undervalued, prepare to fight by immediately filing an appeal.

Employers often not eager to support your claim

A successful claim for workers’ compensation leads to significant insurance premium increases on your company’s workers’ compensation policy. Some employers are not eager to see this happen, thus disputing employee injuries and writing off your claims that your injury prevents you from working. Perhaps the employer and insurance company insist that the injury is a pre-existing condition or was caused after hours.

Anger and frustration are natural. Stunned by the developments, you may understand that the necessary step requires you to file an appeal. You must file an appeal with the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission, which reviews cases and determines whether applicants are entitled to such benefits.

If the commission also denies your claim, you can request a rehearing or even file an appeal in the applicable circuit court. Working alongside an experienced employment and workers’ compensation attorney is essential. An attorney will take the lead in your case and fight for you, while you focus on recovering.